

At Crypto Aero Wholefood Horse Feed we believe healthy horses are happy horses. Our feed was developed strictly with the mission to improve horses well-being enabling them to feel their best in competition, out on the trail, and in retirement. We put all the money inside the bag, not on the bag. Our profit margins are kept at a minimum to make our product affordable to as many animal lovers as possible. We do not believe in commissioning the sales of concentrates, yet encourage horse owners and animal lovers to primarily feed forage, fresh fruits and vegetables, and using our feed and supplements as an enhancement to such diets.

Over the years we’ve received requests by our clients to develop feeds for other animals and we are answering their requests. We currently offer superior nutrition for horses, dogs, goats, and chickens, and are passionately expanding our line of products to provide healthy options for mini pigs and parrots. We encourage our clients to communicate their suggestions for expanding our line of products


How We Got Started

Crypto Aero – is actually the name of a very special horse that this company is named after. Founder Anna Frensemeyer adopted Aero in 2013 and he was in pretty bad shape. Aero suffered from both hind and foregut ulcers, colicked frequently, was severely underweight and not thriving.

Anna relied on her knowledge as a molecular and cell biologist as well as registered nurse to find a way to better feed her horse. Removing GMOs, wheat, soy, molasses and both synthetic vitamins and flavors, she replaced them with whole foods that would provide nutrition naturally. All our ingredients are non GMO, never sprayed with pesticides or herbicides, they are mostly human grade and sourced in the US, Canada, and Europe. Our feed is manufactured in a feed mill that never had any substance on its property that could harm a horse.

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More than feed.
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